Eligibility Criteria
Applicants to the Community Employment Scheme must be:
- Over 21 years of age and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment for 12 months or more; or
- Over 18 years of age in receipt of a Disability payment for 6 months or more; or
- Traveller/Roma 18 years or over in receipt of a Job Seekers allowance payment for any length of time; or
- Refugees in receipt of a social welfare payment for any length of time and hold a letter of confirmation of refugee status plus valid work permit or GNIB with Stamp 4.
- Over 60 years of age are eligible for CE placement up to state pension age if in receipt of social welfare payment for 12 months or more.
- Gardai Vetting and Police Clearance is a requirement for vacancies that provide support to vulnerable adults and children
For More Information:
If you are interested in any of the CE vacancies, please contact our Community Employment Department where a CE Supervisor will gladly speak to you and provide information to support you in the application process.
Telephone: 044-9344509
Email: mmcknight@wcpmullingar.ie
You can also find our current vacancies advertised on Jobs Ireland website www.jobsireland.ie by clicking into the Community Employment Section.
This programme is supported by the Department of Social Protection, which is funded by the Irish Government